6 Ways to Keep Your Customer Acquisition Cost Low

Customer acquisition cost is the amount you spend to attract new customers into your business. This number is so import[...]

Wix Shopping Cart: How to Start Accepting Payments with Wix Pages

Wix is one of the most popular website and page builders. You can create a professional website in an afternoon.

You get h[...]

How Including Upsells and Downsells can Increase your Bottom Line

As an online business, there’s a ton of data available to help you make better decisions about what you’re selling and ho[...]

What are Interchange Fees and How It Impacts Merchants

As you’re making money, you’re spending money (in some cases being charged fees). That’s what happens when you process [...]

Stripe Test Mode vs PayKickstart Test Mode

Online funnels are intricate creations that, when used properly, can make you a lot of money while building brand aware[...]

What is Average Order Value and How it Impacts Your Bottom Line

Business is a numbers game. When you know your numbers, you’re in a better position to scale, acquire customers, and max[...]

What is a Brand Ambassador + Building Your “Word of Mouth” Cult

There are countless ways to grow your brand but few are as effective as word of mouth from a trusted brand ambassador.


“Add to Cart” vs “Buy Now” vs “Order Now”, Which Is The Best?

What’s the big deal? They’re all phrases that pretty much mean the same thing – right?

At first glance that’s true.

All of [...]

What Makes the Best Affiliates​ for Promoting Your Products and Brand?​

Affiliate marketing has come a long way since its inception and when it was considered a scam by many.

It’s now a proven wa[...]

What Are the Best Ways to Attract the Best Affiliates?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your business.

You build a commission only sales tea[...]