Accepting Google Pay on Your Website

With players like Google Pay, PayPal, Stripe, and Apple Pay leading the charge, the payments industry is getting more a[...]

The One-Dollar Trial: Pros and Cons

While free trials are commonly perceived as a good idea (hence you see them everywhere), there is no obvious consensus a[...]

4 Mobile Payment Trends That Will Meet Customer Expectations and Boost Conversions

Focusing on your online business is a must if you want to be successful in the modern world. The US economy witnessed a 33% [...]

Accepting Apple Pay on your Website

It seems like there’s a new payments app or facilitator springing up every few months and further fragmenting the indus[...]

4 Expectations from your Customers at Checkout

As more and more customers are getting used to shopping online, shopping and checkout expectations are growing expone[...]

Why Usage Based Billing Will Be More Crucial Than Ever in 2021

Picking the best-fitting billing model is crucial for your business success. It is also a choice that may be very hard to [...]

Six Payment Processing Trends that Will Shape SaaS Business

The last time I went to a convention I noticed something surprising. It used to be that there were only a couple of ways to a[...]

EFT Versus ACH Versus EDIs: What’s the Difference?

There are so many acronyms floating around that it can be difficult to keep them all straight. That’s especially true in [...]

15 Tips to Improve Your SaaS Customer’s Checkout Experience

We have seen it a hundred times: a customer has gone through your website, picked out a few items, are just about to make th[...]

What Hockey-Stick Growth Looks Like: Analysis of 600+ SaaS Businesses

After processing over 400M in sales and being in a unique position to look under the hood of 600+ SaaS businesses (who use [...]