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Attention #SalesBoss:

Watch the NEW, Simple Way to Sell Online...
Even If You've Never Sold a Single Thing Before!

Hey it's Mark Thompson, Co-Founder of PayKickstart!

First off, it's great to meet you.  Now, even though I don't know your specific situation (yet), I'm pretty confident that we can relate on one major thing.

We both want to make more sales online!  🙂

Do you remember when you made your FIRST sale?  Or got your first visitor?


I thought that once I got the product created... the next step was to get some traffic to my sales page and boom, a money waterfall would start pouring in.

Of course... that didn't happen, did it?

Instead, I got a few sales here and there, but it stopped right at that initial purchase. There was zero growth happening.  And it wasn't something that was going to support my family.

Everything was slow moving for an entire 2 years.

And that's when I finally had that "AH-HA Moment".

I sat down one day, wrote everything out that had the biggest, DIRECT impact on my daily sales. And rather than using each of those things individually, I thought... "Why aren’t I combining each strategy, one on top of the other into a well crafted sales funnel?"

Why on earth was I only selling one product to these customers?  Why wasn't I including the major selling factors to my checkout flow?  I was doing it all wrong.

Why do I tell you all of this?

Because it was that day I realized that the Core to every successful online business is a well-crafted, complete AUTOMATED sales funnel.  It's not just some single webpage.

Once you get the customer through the door, that's when the "money waterfall" should START.  You can't stop at that initial sale.

So after writing everything out with my friend Matt Callen, we knew we had to create a system that would automate it all.   And that's what I did.

To-date, I've AUTOMATED it all into one single system, now known as PayKickstart.

And I want YOU to reap the benefits!

Now, if you watched the entire 6 minute video above, I'm 100% confident you immediately saw the potential money you can make if you combine all of the winning strategies into one sales machine (i.e. YOUR business!).

If you saw that potential, GREAT! Skip to the bottom of this page because I have a HUGE opportunity for you today.

If you didn't quite "get it"... Don't Worry!  

By the end of this page, I promise you that you'll never want to sell anything online without PayKickstart by your side.  And I'm going to give you a no-brainer of an opportunity, to fully test drive PayKickstart and see for yourself how this system will deliver more sales, more money and more happy customers to you...

But before I dive into that...

Let Me Share Why My 10+ Years of "In the Trenches" Experience and Selling Millions in Product Sales, Makes Me More Qualified Than Almost Anyone On the Planet to Help Guide You In Running a Hyper Successful, Streamlined Business Online... EVEN IF YOU'VE NEVER SOLD A SINGLE PRODUCT BEFORE!

Now, telling you that I've sold that much, I'm not trying to brag - Far From It.  

I only tell you that because I want you to understand that there are countless challenges and struggles that us Entrepreneurs face.  Challenges that you and I have both encountered first hand and have had to try "figure it out" ourselves.


My Goal by the End of This Letter:
"I want YOU to learn from my mistakes and take things I did right to build a 8-figure online empire, and use them AS YOUR OWN!"


I'm hoping that you can relate to these challenges as you may be experiencing them right now.

If that's the case - what I'm going to share with you will save you countless headaches, time and money!


Ready!? Here we go...

Challenge #1: LOSING Money As Soon As the Sale Is Made

(HINT:  Hidden "Fees"!)

We need a way to process orders right?

The problem is literally every solution out there, charges either a high monthly OR high per-transaction fees.

When I started out... I always thought I would just "pay when I make a sale" route.   My original thinking was "hey, at least I don't have to pay anything unless I make a sale, right?".


I mean what's 10.00% of a sale, right?

Well, you'll see in just a few couple minutes, why this completely Bit Me In the Butt!

It's pretty shocking once we discovered the huge leak!  (keep reading and I'll show you so you don't make the same mistake)

On to our next challenge...

Challenge #2: Lack of Flexibility

Every business is different... But one major thing we all have in common is we need to be able to sell our products at ANY pricing model.

For example... I have a separate company that sells all types of products and services.

  • Information / Training Programs
  • Software / SaaS / Desktop Apps
  • Coaching
  • Physical Packages
  • Non-Profit Donations

We need a platform that is flexible...

Being able to adapt - allowing us to make it easy for creating different payment / pricing options, like...

  • One-Time Purchases
  • Subscriptions
  • Split Payment / Payment Plans
  • Upgrade / Downgrade Plans
  • Free & Paid Trials
  • Usage-Based Billing
  • Pay What You Want Options

...depending on the type of product you are selling and how you want to position it to your customers.

Who wants to jump head first into a platform that is suppose to power your business, but you find out it simply cannot accommodate it?

Now you have to use multiple platforms just to accomplish one thing (i.e.  Selling your product).  It creates double the work to manage.  Not to mention paying expensive tech guys and designers countless hours for custom coding to handle our different pricing and business models.

Bottom line, it's a NIGHTMARE if your system can't accommodate your pricing!

Challenge #3:  Playing Nice with All the Other Apps You Use to Fuel Your Business

There's never just one single app or service that runs your entire business.  It's just not possible, nor should it be.

There are membership platforms.  Email autoresponder services.  Webinar services... and the list goes on.

This is a major problem with nearly all other payment systems out there, not being able to connect to all of the other apps we used to run our business.

When someone purchases a product...

  • Adding them to our Email Autoresponder list.
  • Adding them to correct Membership plan.
  • Pass customer details to our fulfillment company to ship a package.
  • Pass reporting data to our analytics service for advanced reports.
  • Register the customer for an upcoming webinar training.

IMPORTANT:  You need to have it all happen automatically - without having to pay a tech or developer 20-40+ hours to custom create something to connect each of these services.

It SHOULD be as simple as "Connect Your Account" and BOOM - done.

Unfortunately, its not that easy with other systems.   🙁

Well... that's how it was before PayKickstart.  😉

When push came to shove, we couldn't continue relying on other outdated, archaic platforms to power our business - each day we used these platforms was costing us TIME and MONEY!

To make a LONG story short, it took about 14 months, but we built our own payment platform (which passed all of the customer data to a 3rd party affiliate management platform).

Curious what it looked like?  Well here is a screenshot...

That's Right, We Built the Whole Thing Ourselves...
Straight from the Blueprints We KNEW Were Going to Increase Our Sales and Simplify Our Lives!

It wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but it was for our own use, so it did the job.

Personally all I could think in my head was "Ahhh, half way there!".


Challenge #1 was immediately fixed.  Every sale we pumped through our system incurred low to no transaction fees (outside of the normal Paypal, Stripe fees - hard to get away from those).

Challenge #2, solved.  Now we could add our SaaS apps, desktop apps, training programs and coaching programs - with various pricing models, under ONE roof.

Challenge #3, now seamless.  Each customer now got added to the correct 3rd party services we use to help power our business.

So guess what?

In the first year, we Saved Over $100,000 in Fees Alone, not counting all of the saved time and money on overhead.

The platform we built essentially paid for itself (and then some)!


From 2014 - 2015, AFTER SELLING THE "NEW WAY",
My Sales Revenue Increased by 3X!

OK, OK...I know what your next question is going to be...

How the heck did you from 1.8MM to 5.4MM in ONE YEAR?

Well, thats leads me to the next couple of challenges we had to overcome.

Challenge #4: Conversion Boosters

As you probably know, the best time to turn a customer into a repeat buyer is immediately after the initial sale.

Which is why we generally have one, two, even three upsells/one-time offers in each of our sales funnels.  The problem...

Before, the customer would have to enter their billing details for each and every purchase inside our funnel - creating additional, unnecessary barriers.  This crushes conversions and average customer transaction value.

With the platform we created, smoooooth 1-click upsells.

Now, the customer enters their initial billing details once, during the initial purchase, then can purchase any or all upsells with 1 click.

Seamless. Outstanding buying experience!

...and the results didn't lie!

Now, the customer enters their initial billing details once, during the initial purchase, then can purchase any or all upsells with 1 click.

Seamless. Outstanding buying experience!

...and the results didn't lie!

On the first funnel we split test...

One-Click vs No One-Click (and the WINNER was...)

The BIG WINNER Was the One-Click Funnel... We made an extra $121,059.17!

The split test was relatively the same.

  • Same Sales
  • Same Upsells
  • Same Price Points
  • Same Copy

It was just the power of one-click!

I'm sure you can imagine what we quickly did for the rest of our products and funnels we had.  And that's how you get 3x GROWTH!

We had EVERYONE contacting us, asking what was our secret sauce.  Partners, Affiliates, Vendors, Customers - all asking what in the world were we using to power our online business.

Little Did We Realize We Had Built What is Now Known as PayKickstart!

We realized quickly that we had to make the platform we originally built for ourselves, accessible to all Entrepreneurs and business owners!

So we went to the drawing board...

Taking all of the feedback we received from our customers and employees over the past 2 years and mapping out a brand new user-interface.

Here is a look at one of our initial wireframe mockups I did...

After 12 months, we turned this rough mockup, into reality.

Slowly bringing on loyal alpha and beta testers to try and "break" the platform.  Now, I won't bore you with the challenges we faced to build a platform this robust, but lets just say it was a wild ride!

After around 4-6 months of hard-core vendors, pushing the platform to the max - we were ready to open to the general public.

Now, a look at where we are today...

As we started growing our customer base, we listened.

Listened to all of the feedback and suggestions to continue to make improvements, enhancement and functionality to make PayKickstart the ultimate shopping cart and affiliate management solution!

We started prioritizing, placing the features that would have the biggest impact on generating more customers and revenue, at the top.

We Started Stacking Conversion Booster After Conversion Booster...

We added a massive Checkout Page library, that provided loads of professional one-time and multi-step checkout design templates that include ALL Of the Conversion Boosting Sales Elements on them.

We added Coupon Codes, that allowed vendors to offer time sensitive discounts and incentivizing their following and potential customers to take action and BUY.

We added a Subscription Saver sequence, that allowed vendors to reclaim on average around 60% of the failed rebills - by automatically emailing the customer to update their billing details in order to continue with their service.

We added Order Bumps, which increases profit on the initial sale by over 60%... now allowing vendors to offer add-on products on the initial checkout form, significantly boosting the average transaction value from each customer.

After that...

We Started Adding Features to Allow GLOBAL SELLING and Expand the Market to the Entire World.

We added Automatic Checkout Page Translation, in up to 14 different languages, to allow a worldwide audience to utilize the benefits of PayKickstart.

We Added 100's of Different Currencies, to allow vendors to charge customers in the local currency.

We created an iOS and Android Mobile App, to allow vendors and affilaites to access their PayKickstart account on the go - receiving sale/commission notifications, approving affiliate requests and monitoring important metrics, on the go.

We didn't stop there.

We reached out to our PayKickstart vendors and affiliates to find out what day-to-day tasks were eating up their time.

Quickly we identified a number of ways to...

Automate Your Entire Business to Simplify and Grow Your Business

First up...

Partner Contracts, allowing vendors to create contracts between JV partners, automatically distributing revenue per the agreement from a shared Product(s).  No more having to do monthly accounting to see who is owed what.

Next were Instant Payments to Affiliates, allowing to automatically send a commission payment to their affiliates at the point of sale.

We Added Features to Minimize Customer Cancellations and Churn

Like our Cancellation Saver sequence, allowing to create retention flows to overcome objections, gather cancellation feedback and decrease churn by up to 30%.

We also added our In-App Notifications, to continue to minimize pre-dunning and involuntary churn, by showing Payment Failed, Payment Not on File, Credit Card Expiring/Expired and Strong Customer Authentication, directly inside of your application or members area.

OK...OK...OK, I think you are starting to get the point...

PayKickstart is the Fastest and Simplest
Way to Make More Sales Online!

For those of you who were at the top of this page before, and were still unsure if PayKickstart was right for you, hopefully by now you have changed your mind.

Hopefully you are filled with excitement and your mind is racing with the possibilities for what PayKickstart can provide to your online business.

Automation. Point & Click. Minimal Overhead to run your daily business.


Today, I want to give you the unique opportunity to get your hands on PayKickstart, and start doubling your sales!

I'm going to make this a complete no-brainer to get you up and running with PayKickstart TODAY - I'm going to be doing something I've never done before.

I want to give you 14 days of PayKickstart for FREE!

Sell $1,000 worth of product.  Sell $10,000.  Sell $100,000.  It doesn't matter.  You'll get to sell as much as you can for FREE for a full 14 days.

I know that after you start using PayKickstart, you are going to wonder how you were ever able to run your business without it.   So that's why I'm removing EVERY barrier to entry imaginable by giving you time to start selling and full access to all of our automated selling tools for FREE.

Get your account right now by clicking the button below...

Yes! I Want PayKickstart for 14 Days for FREE!

Listen from Other Entrepreneurs Who
Made the Switch to PayKickstart

Yes! I Want PayKickstart for 14 Days for FREE!

To get all of this...

All you have to do is create your PayKickstart account for FREE!

There's gotta be a "catch", right?   Well, yeah... Sort of.

The "catch" is that this opportunity is only available for the next few days.  This is the only time we'll be giving this away.

The time is now!

It's time to throw away that over-priced shopping cart and affiliate management platform that is more interested in taking money out of each of your transactions than putting money back in your pocket.

It's time to join the movement.  The movement of Entrepreneurs just like the ones you saw above, who want to reclaim their businesses, scaling them to where they never thought possible.

Gain a 14 days of PayKickstart at no cost to you today.

Click the button below and lets get going!

To your online success,

Mark Thompson

P.S. If you're worried about the "transition" from the existing platform you currently use...don't be!  We get it - even though PayKickstart has loads of out-of-the-box integrations to play nice with all of your apps you use in your business, there will be a little bit of a transition and clean up period.

Use our "Concierge Team" Who's Primary Job is to Make a Smooth Transition to PayKickstart

The Concierge team was specifically created to assist in ensuring you have a speedy switch from your previous platform to PayKickstart - so you can be selling and utilizing the full power of PayKickstart!

Yes! I Want PayKickstart for 14 Days for FREE!

"Listen from Other Entrepreneurs Like You
Who Made the Switch to PayKickstart"

  • I just crossed $500k using PayKickstart! It’s saved so much time and money for me, and increased my sales with all the recurring revenue and new features being added frequently. It’s a must-have cart!

  • Jeff J. Hunter

    Founder of VA Staffer

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